We believe that the best way to explain the value of K-9 Solutions dog training services is by letting our clients do the talking. By reading these reviews, real client experiences, you will gain a true understanding of our dog and puppy training and find value in our service. We are always thrilled when clients take the time to explain how we helped them solve their dog/puppy problems.

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Breed: Mixed Breeds (Terrier Mix)

Name: Sheriff

Age: 3 years

I called K-9 Solutions because my dog Sheriff, who had been abused before I bought him, was aggressive and had bitten several people. Carlos helped me understand


Breed: Mixed Breeds

Name: Bella

Age: 1 year

We did a 6 week training course with our dog that we got from the pound. We are very happy with the results. Bella is 100% diferrent than when we started. She is much better behaved.


Breed: Mixed Breeds (Terrier Mix)

Name: Bruce

Age: 5 years

Carlos con su paciencia y mano firme logro ensenarme a que Bruce respetara la casa y a sus amos. Con amor y consistencia se reilaron las purtas rotas. Pense que seria dificil


Breed: Mixed Breeds (Terrier Mix)

Name: Tanka

Age: 8 months

We are very pleased on how the training turned out. We have seen a lot of improvement thank you!

Leo Cruz,
miami, Fl