We believe that the best way to explain the value of K-9 Solutions dog training services is by letting our clients do the talking. By reading these reviews,
real client experiences, you will gain a true understanding of our dog and puppy training and find value in our service. We are always thrilled when clients take the time to explain how we helped them solve their dog/puppy problems.
Carlos took Pike from being difficult to have at home to being a pleasure. Although he had a “basic obedience” course at a pet superstore, his basic bad traits persisted.
By submission of this form, I hereby give my permission to K-9 Solutions, Inc. and Carlos Puentes, to use the testimonial, video and photograph of myself and or family and my dog included on this release in their advertising and products without any compensation to me.
I understand and acknowledge that K-9 Solutions, Inc. and Carlos Puentes may use my testimonial, or parts of my testimonial, video, photograph of myself and or family and my dog for commercial purposes or otherwise. By submitting this electronic form I hereby agree that K-9 Solutions, Inc. and Carlos Puentes shall be the owner of the copyright of the testimonial, video and photographs included in this release by the undersigned, K-9 Solutions, Inc. and Carlos Puentes shall be entitled to reproduce it, or license its reproduction.