Prince has become a better companion since his training with Teresa. I look forward to years of fun with him.
Name: Bella and Piru
Age: 1 year 4 Months
Nuestra entrenadora fue Teresa De Leon y con nuestros perros hizo un trabajo magnifico. Entendimos mucho acerca del comportamiento y como corregirlos. Fue una gran experiencia y ganamos una amiga. gracias Carlos por server de intermidiario y los conocimos a los dos a traves de nuetros ninos. Gracias.
Jose and Nancy Martinez,
Miami Lakes, Fl
Name: Anjali
Age: 11 Months
Name: Charley
Age: 2 years
Name: Andreina R. De Leon
Age: 6 Months
Name: Buddy
Age: 7 Months
I never had a dog before, but what Carlos trained me to do to help me control the dog is excellent., Carlos is a good trainer now Buddy Sits, Stand, Down, Stay, go out to pee=pee. Don’t bark a loud, and do what I say. Buddy is a good puppy now.
Name: Pancho
Age: 5 Months
I’m very happy with the training of my dog Pancho. It just makes having him as an inside dog a lot more easy and enjoyable. Teaching him to be potty trained & listen to commands was wonderful, I don’t feel like I need to be chasing after the dog all the time.
Thank you so much Carlos.
Name: Sophie
Age: 4 Months
Name: Darla
Age: 5 Months
Name: Sasha
Age: 1 Year
Before taking the training Sasha was a very hyper, nervous dog with seperation anxiety, now Sasha is much more calm and is able to be apart from me. With the methods used in the training Sasha learned very quickly and was able to do everything very perfectly.