We believe that the best way to explain the value of K-9 Solutions dog training services is by letting our clients do the talking. By reading these reviews, real client experiences, you will gain a true understanding of our dog and puppy training and find value in our service. We are always thrilled when clients take the time to explain how we helped them solve their dog/puppy problems.

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Breed: Dachshund

Name: Tomas - Nena

Age: 1 year

No Photo Available

Agradezco a K-9 solutions, especialmente a Cristina por toda su ayuda parra entrenar a mis perros, la verdad es que los resultados son excelentes

This entry was posted in Dachshund on December 1, 2001

Breed: Bloodhound

Name: Vito Corleone

Age: 7 months

No Photo Available

Atestigo que Carlos Puentes en my opinión es un excelente entrenador, con una infinita pasion y devocion por los perros y por su trabajo. Cargado de una grandísima experiencia,

This entry was posted in Bloodhound on August 30, 2004